Some days are so distractive.. if I may call them so.
Countless ways I find to avoid doing anything constructive.
Where there's a will to do work.. there is also :
Gmail- one of the three wishes I asked the genie for ; Gmail notifier - the get-one-free wish along with the previous ,instant notification of all the breaking news of our group.. and if it hasnt
popped up in a while I check to make sure it's ok ;Yahoo! messenger- lots and lots of conversations, a few drawings on doodle, wordracer, a whole lot of stuff I look forward to.. MSN doesnt come close ;Yahoo mail notifier - of course they have to have it too .. tho usually its some disappointing mail.. like ones from eBay ;Hello- not shared as many pics as I have typed LOLs, clove, or a smiley to see it flowing down the screen, or brb to see it auto-expanding; Orkut - reading scraps, not usually in my scrap book, looking at weird groups people form.. oversleepers anonymous??!! its on my list, clicking view friends over n over to see where I land up, checking to see if that girl I hate doesnt have more contacts than I do .. he he ..evil smile; Office mail - Ok this is pure obsession, even tho I get a notification for every single mail, still have to open outlook and send/receive on every folder there is; Chat client at work - the best, simple and nice, not frilly, no complicated stealth settings.. basically no dividing people into groups and configuring different policies against them.. everyone is equal by Karl Marx; SMS- meaningless smses mostly from Hutch, Voice Resp, 7003.. wish it was easy to sue companies for invading private space and causing a few extra heartbeats; And last but not the least-ta da.. Blog - Reading my regular blogs, the current count is 7 , or just a - hmm I should try this new template,there's no pic in my profile, reading posts I like best and the comments on them.Never knew it could get addictive.
Back to constructive work now.. Sleeping.
Tell me WHY
Why do good movies on HBO and Star come only when you have tons of work to do/study for a big exam the following day.
Why is the weather outside great only when we you are freezing inside the office at sub-zero temperatures.
Why is the bus late the exact same day you have a meeting to attend right in the morning.
Why do I end up choosing the caterer who has bhindi(read slimy-alien-gut delicacy ) on the menu, no matter how much I try and avoid it.
Why is the traffic choking just when you want to make it to somewhere, quick.
Why does the "I'll come back later and buy it" philosophy never work.
Why do people double-check if they've collected their hall ticket/ credit card seeing you do the same, even tho they are absolutely, positively sure they have.
Why does the auto-meter jump right on the day when you're in a peaceful, non-violence mood.
Why does everyone around seem free when you are frantically trying to keep a deadline ( and vice-versa)
Why does the power go off when you have zero charge in your laptop.
Why is the battery completely discharged only when you have left the charger in office.
Why does your pre-paid currency run out when your expecting some crucial smses:) ( no I'm not moving to post-paid )
Why do hyped-movies never fail to disappoint.
Why is there always a triangle. ( in the "hyped-movies" )
Why are all project reports done on the last day running around like mad people wondering if you will ever get that signature .. pant pant..its just 4:59 pm... technically, she ought to be there..
Why does the alarm not go off, the day you are determined to start jogging in the morning or in my case take the 8 am bus.
Why does something hit you when you least expect it..eg. crow shit.
Why am I not outside right now... its such a lovely weather ! O:)

Isn't she just beautiful..
Getting the right signals, a step-by-step guide :
-Select signals you want to handle.
-Dedicate a separate thread for catching them so that you're not just sitting around waiting.
-Block these signals for all other threads, to avoid getting in the way of other tasks.
-Keep out of the way of fatal ones, that break not just your thread but the entire process.
-Don't mix. Sending signals to other threads within your own process is not a wise thing to do.
-Wait for it to come by.
-When it comes, dont ignore it.
-Catch it, handle it well.. nicety always pays. Don't beat the shit out of it.
-If you must, exit gracefully.
hy·dro·phil·ic (
adj. Having an affinity for water; readily absorbing or dissolving in water.
You are *truly* hydrophilic:
If You don't have to think twice about your holiday destination -- "Of course its that island with green sea and white beaches, silly " or be confused about other choices ( even if its the Swiss Alps ).
If you long to go for walks in your red rainboots with a yellow umbrella while its still raining outside.
If you often wonder why some people avoid the puddles and miss out the fun there is in jumping and splashing everyone around .. Com'on that white dress can be washed !
If you wished you were a fish, not necessarily a pretty-nosed dolphin, so you could swim the seas, watch the coral beneath, race the ships, maybe go to a fish school....
If the sight of a pool makes you go aaah, tho I wudn't exactly be referring to the 6 AM ladies batch...brrr....
If you've had thoughts of buying an inflatable swimming pool even beyond the age of 10.
If any swimming stroke a way easier than walking up to switch on the fan.
If the thunder of the impending showers, the smell of the earth when its just begun to drizzle, the pitter patter of raindrops, the sight of rain (!) brings a thrill like no other.
If you so wish you could get drenched in the rain and just not worry about the achhoo and vicks that would almost certainly follow.
If you think its fun and adventure wading thru the knee-deep waters on the roads in low-lying flooded areas of the city.
If you love wetting your feet in the foam of the sea thats just been washed to the shore, so what if the wave ruined your sand castle.
If you consider lying under the sky on a starry night, listening to the waves go swussshh, romantic.
If you wish you had a sea-side house with a balcony over-looking the sea. Or maybe a houseboat, not in Kashmir, but in Venice with floating flower markets straight out of Amsterdam.
If any chore at home is a chore except washing the car with the pipe.
If you look forward to Holi and the pichkaris and the buckets fulls of water which your friends are gonna drown you in, while five of them hold you put thinking you'd try getting away.. he he (why wud I)..
If you can relate to Labradors who just love a shower as opposed to their counter-parts.
If you have a sense of rejuvination just watching the Aquafina ad.
If you shudder at the thot of.. what if the the 2Hs and O hadn't met !
If you are a *true* aquarian, the water-bearer ... tho there are always cusps and exceptions.
You are hydrophobic : If you feel Otherwise.
When everyone around goes people change, situations change, things change, I still feel somethings never change. No matter how much you want them to. You may think you've moved on , changed your preferences.. maybe you have but you've also carried forward little things from the past which always stick on.. You still like the things you always used to..
People who are wondering where this is going.. Dont worry, I'm just listening to One last breath by Creed.
Vegetarians at your own risk !
Ok this article would have probably gone to The Times of India or Deccan, but for the lack of jurisdiction and consumer rights in our country and also coz .. well read on...
There I am with my family, at Chungs - one near Ramaiah, enjoying a nice Veg Chinese dinner..if there's any such thing. Dim lights.. (Now I know why), Parents irritated by the periodic tee-tee on my cell phone and my constant smsing. Tho this was hardly irritation compared to what was coming.
I'd finished what I ordered..Chinese Choupsey.Its white, bland, and yummy ( tho ppl used to the more desi tastes would strongly disagree and are free to post any comments).Everyone else , still savouring the multi-colored indianized Chowmein, taro nest, etc etc.
Bro ( making a funny face ) : What's this?? ( Putting it on the soup plate)..
All of us inspecting it as if its a baby dinosaur hatching.
Everyones dropped their forks. And I've actually stopped smsing!
Waiters have a sixth sense and they realized one of them is pretty much screwed right now.
Dad: ( to one of them ) Can you call the manager.
Manager arrives at his own convinience. By then I've put the cell phone into my pocket. Now, the frequent references to cell phone are just to give a feel of how sucked I was into the whole situation and how much it had shaken me and disrupted my normal activities.
Manager ( taking his glasses off and almost diving into the plate to get a "closer" look ): Oh.
Dad: Isn't this chicken?
Manager (sighing): We'll replace this.
Me .oO( Is that all u've got to say ?? )
Dinner was pretty much done with more than half the stuff on the plate appearing suspicious.
Waiter: Sir, here's the bill. We've cancelled one dish, you can pay for the rest of the food.
Me .oO ( So we need to find pieces of chicken in the rest of the dishes to get some courtesy out of you guys ?? )
Us exiting from the door.. Most would think the play ends here. Nope, this is just Scene I.Manager's in view.Dad: You ought to be more careful.
Manager *grins*: Yes Sir.
Me.oO ( Why are you showing your teeth )
Dad: It's absolutely unacceptable. This can go to the food inspector.
Manager *grins* nodding.
Me.oO ( Grin once more and you'll be mighty sorry )
Manager *grins*: I understand.
Me.oO ( Do you Mr. )
Boom boom.
Next thing I know Dad's pulling me away and out of the restaurant.
After all has cooled down and I've been reunited with my cell, Mom dad and bro finally think its safe to talk to me again.
Mom smiles and says, "He probably wasnt grinning, he just had no orthodontic treatement in his younger days.."
And I smsed.
The terrace in my dreams
Its not a terrace garden, no fancy pots or statues, no rare colorful flowers to dress it up, no
exclusive decor, no pebbled pathways, no roof top swimming pool..
Its Square, Its got a red tiled floor, Its got thick sturdy steel railing along two sides, Its open to the sky above with square pillars that give it structure .. you can see the moon straight ahead,
and the stars, and the lights glowing at a distance, a crane moving in circular motion with the lights on it making it seem somehow like a revolving stadium, warm breeze blowing unrestricted , coz its the highest I can see in miles. I'm standing there with my hands along the warm railing.. warm coz its still cooling off the day's sun, and I suddenly get this feeling that I'm air bourne. I'm flying ( Now I kinda get the emotion behind that Titanic scene :P ). And although I'm not a big fan of heights, this is a good feeling.
Aah, but it isn't the height thats making me fly. Just the mood .... light, calm, blissful,peaceful, ah yes peaceful is the word... I would rather put it as - uncontaminated.
But they often say ( who they ? Well, me is saying ) dreams are a potpourri of moments from reality.
Standing there today, watching a plane heading to land, I realized I was smiling.