Sunday, June 12, 2005


hy·dro·phil·ic (hdr-flk)
Having an affinity for water; readily absorbing or dissolving in water.

You are *truly* hydrophilic:

If You don't have to think twice about your holiday destination -- "Of course its that island with green sea and white beaches, silly " or be confused about other choices ( even if its the Swiss Alps ).

If you long to go for walks in your red rainboots with a yellow umbrella while its still raining outside.

If you often wonder why some people avoid the puddles and miss out the fun there is in jumping and splashing everyone around .. Com'on that white dress can be washed !

If you wished you were a fish, not necessarily a pretty-nosed dolphin, so you could swim the seas, watch the coral beneath, race the ships, maybe go to a fish school....

If the sight of a pool makes you go aaah, tho I wudn't exactly be referring to the 6 AM ladies batch...brrr....

If you've had thoughts of buying an inflatable swimming pool even beyond the age of 10.

If any swimming stroke a way easier than walking up to switch on the fan.

If the thunder of the impending showers, the smell of the earth when its just begun to drizzle, the pitter patter of raindrops, the sight of rain (!) brings a thrill like no other.

If you so wish you could get drenched in the rain and just not worry about the achhoo and vicks that would almost certainly follow.

If you think its fun and adventure wading thru the knee-deep waters on the roads in low-lying flooded areas of the city.

If you love wetting your feet in the foam of the sea thats just been washed to the shore, so what if the wave ruined your sand castle.

If you consider lying under the sky on a starry night, listening to the waves go swussshh, romantic.

If you wish you had a sea-side house with a balcony over-looking the sea. Or maybe a houseboat, not in Kashmir, but in Venice with floating flower markets straight out of Amsterdam.

If any chore at home is a chore except washing the car with the pipe.

If you look forward to Holi and the pichkaris and the buckets fulls of water which your friends are gonna drown you in, while five of them hold you put thinking you'd try getting away.. he he (why wud I)..

If you can relate to Labradors who just love a shower as opposed to their counter-parts.

If you have a sense of rejuvination just watching the Aquafina ad.

If you shudder at the thot of.. what if the the 2Hs and O hadn't met !

If you are a *true* aquarian, the water-bearer ... tho there are always cusps and exceptions.

You are hydrophobic : If you feel Otherwise.


At 2:28 AM, Blogger Crouching Tigress said...

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At 2:29 AM, Blogger Crouching Tigress said...

Oh great post!

Altho, I dont think one can fall sick after getting drenched in the rain!

If you shudder at the thot of.. what if the the 2Hs and O hadn't met!--->hilarious!

Great post, but I guess I already said that..:D

At 10:50 AM, Blogger Keshav said...

Really good one!

I love parts of what you said, not all!!
I wonder that makes me a hydrophiilc or a hydrophobic!

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Joviel said...

Thanks searchinformrmojo!... dunno what else to call you.. got a shorter name? :)
And keku... wat are the parts u dont love..:P

At 1:49 PM, Blogger KAD said...

Which was that comment you deleted? And keku, often the sum of all the parts is not equal to the whole. So you either like the entire post or you don't. In other words you are either a Hydrophobic or you are not.

At 11:02 AM, Blogger i-me-myself said...

Oh man..all that talk about water is already making me sick. I can't even take a cold water bath without thinking I'm going to drown :)

At 11:56 AM, Blogger Joviel said...

busy-be !!! Ur an aquarian !!! Don't say such things.. they dont suit us :P


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