I always do this when I've got tons of work !
One of the very few things I get nostalgic about is my previous office building. My pool-side cube , water on bother sides, and the awesome view. My colleagues , the endless coffee sessions we used to have at the coffee,or boost, table as we used to call it and the endless nonsense the four of us used to talk and laugh about - two of who have left the company now. Just the scent of the place.. mmmm. The tech discussions at the pantry, the loo, the xerox machine, the printer... everything thing you can think of in a typical office place - pretty normal but yet so dear. We used to go out for lunch atleast 4 days a week which has now reduces to once in 4 months ok maybe exaggerrating there .. more like, once in 4 weeks, but thats bad enough.Why this all of a sudden ? Coz we might have a slight oh ever so slight chance of having to move in back there. But it just wudnt be the same unless we get the same floor, same cubes, same people occupying the cubes.. thats a little hard tho, the same good old times when everyone
was happy or atleast looked happy, yeah I want a time travel machine to go back and freeze those few months...The few memorable weekends in office. Moving back will not bring those back but atleast I'll be 7 km closer to home.
Keeping my fingers crossed.
The loo!!
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