Sunday, August 28, 2005

Warning : This isnt a sweet candy feel good post.

wish... I had a magic belt.

No more suffering for animals, yeah animals come first - for all those who believe in the humans are superior bs..Watched a video on Pradyot's blog, I couldn't even get myself to watch it completely. Exactly one of those times you feel completely helpless that so much is happening and you cant do anything about it. And those who want to argue about the balance of the eco system going for a toss, can go to hell. First think a little about the way these animals are treated.. not just be blind to those facts and take refuge in this statement. No more unfair grades/rating to people who truly deserve. Its always like in the movies the bad guys never die quickly. Don't they always get a lot more than the other.. Good things always happen to good people, I wonder who made that up and led everyone into believing it. Something is screwed up somewhere. No more love triangles, exactly the reason I hate most of these "blockbuster" hindi movies. No more cricket. I can't explain how much it irks me off people talking about cricket all the time like its the best thing that could have happened to our planet, or worst now .. Esp people at lunch time who just can't stop criticizing and analyzing, themselves no better than couch cricketers. India hasnt won a decent series for this long, this guys is in lousy form, that guy should be taken off.. yeah right and be replaced with *you*. No more cricket, I'd wish for that more than once just to make sure its completely wiped out. No more hangups, no more issues. More than one person will thank me for this.. Sounds very idealistic and unbelievable, thats coz no ones got their hands on that belt. And a couple of things for myself.


At 1:00 AM, Blogger KAD said...

Fastest comment ever...unfair grades/ratings..well I am still suffering from this. I live in a relative world and soon you might see a post on my blog on this.

At 1:03 AM, Blogger Joviel said...

Fastest reply to a comment ever

At 9:44 PM, Blogger Crouching Tigress said...

:), not a feel good post eh? Well, I am not an animal lover by any means, but I dont eat them either. When it comes to pets, I believe in live and stay away from me. However, I will share this with you. I petted my best friend's dog after having known him for 4 years now! That guy has such an expressive face(almost as good as mine :P).
As for love triangles, couldnt agree more with ya.
Cricket, oh my god! I am sooo glad that France isnt cricket friendly at all! I still remember how pissed I was when I went to watch Lagaan. I went to watch a movie and ended up watching a friggin' cricket match at the end of it!
But I wonder sometimes..magical stuff sometimes takes away the magic in life..
Man, long comment. Wudnt inflict such a long one if you blog more often!

At 10:01 PM, Blogger Joviel said...

magical stuff sometimes takes away the magic in life.. hmm true but sumtimes you need a lil magic to keep u going esp when stuff isnt wrking out the way u want it to :)

At 10:31 PM, Blogger Crouching Tigress said...

Hmm..well thats true. But I referring to magic lamps, belts etc.I have been waiting for that lil bit of magic to come my way. Hasnt really happened. In the mean time, I am playing hopscotch cause its fun!

At 11:49 PM, Blogger Joviel said...

Man you are almost as addicted to the net as I am .. !! Not bad ;))

At 5:10 PM, Blogger pradyot said...

Found your blog through the comment on mine. Good to find someone who thinks alike i.e, animals are sentient beings who deserve the consideration that stupid, ignorant human beings get. But there is a lot you can do. You can spread the word. You can contribute your time and money to the cause. There is no need to feel helpless. :)

At 5:22 PM, Blogger zombiee said...

There is a magic belt up in clouds, beyond the moutains where the motor car is a myth. there is no grading, no cricket, no triangles. just love Ngons and love everything they eat. No animal activists, except the activist who is an animal. No critisism just plain old fun. Heaven they call it. People are dying to get there :)... not too optimistic i hope :)

At 11:45 PM, Blogger Joviel said...

@pradyot - feel helpless coz u can prob wipe out the ignorance, but stupidity of stupid people who do these stupid things stays on forever.. :) anyway liked the article on ur blog too..

@Zombie - a little too much optimism to take

At 4:05 PM, Blogger zombiee said...

~*sigh*~ and its zombiee notice the ~ee~

At 4:27 PM, Blogger Joviel said...

Okiee okiee :)

At 11:27 PM, Blogger Samba said...

No more tears -Ozzy Osbourne!

It is idealistic, nevertheless it is not something we need to distance ourselves from. We all kno war is a REALITY. Many of our nationalists think talking of a peaceful world is unrealistic/utopic. Yes it is in the current scenario. That shouldn't stop us from wishing for a peaceful world and working toward it. And the collective will of human society can make the impossible possible! I hate the attitude of "Let's accept it", "That's the way it is", "there is a difference between what is and what ought to be". If one is looking at what ought to be with such contempt, why the hell is it something that ought to be. If one is not prepared to desire what is desirable there is something seriously wrong with one's thought process.

I'm poor and that's reality. But that's not a reality I'm ready to make peace with. Neither is wealth a utopic dreamed to be laugh away.

At 1:04 PM, Blogger Joviel said...

Ah Ozzy osbourne is another freak. Whats the need to use some crazy stage gimmicks .. biting bats heads off just for a thrill eh. Agreed his music is great and half the world goes gaga but hes a jerk nonetheless

At 10:24 AM, Blogger zombiee said...

~!!!jerk!!!~ :O "the good need some bad to that they are good"

At 3:36 AM, Blogger Crouching Tigress said...

Apps news posts pleases!


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