Friday, July 01, 2005


Number of books, Fiction/ Non-Fiction/ Hard-copy/ Philosophy/ Religious - Hmm .. This is my weekend fun-activity : Sort books into categories, count them and then consolidate the result in a catalogue complete with color-coding :P

Anyway here goes ..

Will never lend :My Harry potters, tintins.

I would like to like but just cant seem to like ( too many likes ) : Monk who sold his ferrari,
Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.

I sincerely tried reading : To kill a mocking bird .. nothing ever happened except me falling alseep within 5 minutes of opening it !! , H2G2.. I thought I liked it but I din't.. Anyway won't say too much about it incase I cause riots and a few heartbreaks

I will never attempt : LOTR, a reading should be light.

I once attempted : Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus..But none of those fundas are ever applicable on the Earth.

Absolutely loved: Five point someone, simple and nice.

In my 'humble' opinion the books that are overly hyped are : Da vinci code, man I was expecting some huge treasure in the end..phuusss.

The book that changed my Life ( clue : isn't a self-help book) : Computer Networks - Tannenbaum, Thanks Prof!

When I was young I read : Five Find Outers, Famous Five, NCERT books :-B

Some day when I'm old and wise I'll read : The Bhagwat Gita.

If I had to re-live my life I would never buy: A Dog's life, Life of Pi, H2G2 .. only coz of the price nothing else. ( Don't count .. it is the third reference to the book :))

Recently I picked up : Jackdaws, which was collecting dust in a teammate's cube. Now its safe and sound, undisturbed in my laptop bag.

I cudn't read beyond 2 pages : Kane and Abel, Shall we tell the president, Little women.

Someone once borrowed and never returned : Chromosome 6.. I know you are out there, you can't keep it forever, better return it on your own.

I'd like to try : Bourne Identity and more Ludlums, The power of thinking without thinking, Gone with the wind.

Was obliged to read : The Present... Err uncle it was actually quite nice.

I would like to gift: Harry potters.. Don't invite me unless you like them.

I would like to be gifted :D : Dilbert in the Future. I've been meaning to get it home delivered but just hasn't happened...


At 12:04 AM, Blogger Crouching Tigress said...

Lol! You have been book tagged as well! Its a phase I suppose. Yeah, I can see what you mean by same sentiments :D. Strangely, I liked chromosome 6! I had this Robin Cook phase once upon a time..I dont think I will re-read them tho. Oh, noticed the riots and heartbreaks bit lol, well wasnt very hard to notice!

At 1:04 PM, Blogger i-me-myself said...

Bwahahahahaha... Nice one aps!
I once attempted : Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus..But none of those fundas are ever applicable on the Earth.(True, true, true :))

Some day when I'm old and wise I'll read : The Bhagwat Gita.--> yeah, yeah...we'll wait and see...

I will never attempt : LOTR, a reading should be light-(weight?!! ;))

Chromosome 6.. :pppppp robin cook gack! :)

Bourne Identity - you next b'day gift? :)

Patting you on the back {good girl!..i love your posts, and btw, what inspires you on sat and sun nites?}

At 6:03 PM, Blogger Joviel said...

@tigress - Yeah same here, had this robin cook phase too. Plus a few more phases like the sheldon phase :) which I deliberately avoided mentioning here :D

@busy-be - What inspires me? I dont work on Sat and sun like you do , thats wat inspires me :PP I'm bored of your shopping post dude.. plz plz plz for my sake, write a new one:-)

At 1:09 PM, Blogger Pooja Subramanya said...

And that means you read my posts


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