Holy Cow
This pic , taken by a friend of mine, is one of the most heart rendering ones I've seen.
A few days back 41 calves were rescued by CUPA from a truck that was on its way to the slaughter house. All the calves were less than 10 days old. 7 or 8 of them died while they were being transported, stuffed in the truck.
I don't think I want to classify those homosapiens as people. Demons is the right word for those who not only murder cows who give them milk right from the day they are born but also mercilessly kill their babies. Its gross how people can enjoy eating meat, be it beef or pork, or what ever name they give to an animal that once had a life, a rather unfortnate one. And for people who eat and think I'm not killing it, dont think you won't be going to hell along with the butchers.
On a happier note, two of the calves that were in critical condition have made it, thanks to the doctors, the volunteers, and Mrs Sudha who made a terrific effort! Its great that there still are people who carry their heart along with them instead of leaving it somewhere on a tree.
3 Cheers to CUPA !!!
This is an issue dear to me.
nice blog..
i love my tulasi plant... just like how you seem to be in love with calves...I'm not going to say eco-cycle but im just scared we may need some hell-expansion now..
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