Thanks someone
Got this link from someone..
http://bkkstreetdogs.blogspot.comperfect to brighten up a sucky day
Could'nt have been a dream
H. G. Wells would have wanted to know how to stop time. I'd tell him..
Happens sometimes, not just in fiction. Just for a moment when time stops and everything stands still. Like the world is going around you, spinning and you're at the centre of it all. Feels far from reality, like a distant dream drawn so close. Heady feeling. Feels like a lifetime of all you've ever wanted. Its like a million thoughts running through your head, but nothing that lasts more than passing flash. A desire to hold on to it forever, but as you think .. the moment is passing. Never wanting to let it go, wanting to make it stay, holding on to it like a little girl holding on to her teddy.
Even after its gone, you can't stop smiling. Or stop thinking if it was indeed a dream or ... a dream...
The thoughts linger, hopes of there being another timeless moment still tucked away in a deep, but not forgotten, corner. Waiting for the comet to come back soon..
Number of books, Fiction/ Non-Fiction/ Hard-copy/ Philosophy/ Religious - Hmm .. This is my weekend fun-activity : Sort books into categories, count them and then consolidate the result in a catalogue complete with color-coding :P
Anyway here goes ..
Will never lend
:My Harry potters, tintins.
I would like to like but just cant seem to like ( too many likes ) : Monk who sold his ferrari,
Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.
I sincerely tried reading : To kill a mocking bird .. nothing ever happened except me falling alseep within 5 minutes of opening it !! , H2G2.. I thought I liked it but I din't.. Anyway won't say too much about it incase I cause riots and a few heartbreaks
I will never attempt : LOTR, a reading should be light.
I once attempted : Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus..But none of those fundas are ever applicable on the Earth.
Absolutely loved: Five point someone, simple and nice.
In my 'humble' opinion the books that are overly hyped are : Da vinci code, man I was expecting some huge treasure in the end..phuusss.
The book that changed my Life ( clue : isn't a self-help book) : Computer Networks - Tannenbaum, Thanks Prof!
When I was young I read : Five Find Outers, Famous Five, NCERT books :-B
Some day when I'm old and wise I'll read : The Bhagwat Gita.
If I had to re-live my life I would never buy: A Dog's life, Life of Pi, H2G2 .. only coz of the price nothing else. ( Don't count .. it is the third reference to the book :))
Recently I picked up : Jackdaws, which was collecting dust in a teammate's cube. Now its safe and sound, undisturbed in my laptop bag.
I cudn't read beyond 2 pages : Kane and Abel, Shall we tell the president, Little women.
Someone once borrowed and never returned : Chromosome 6.. I know you are out there, you can't keep it forever, better return it on your own.
I'd like to try : Bourne Identity and more Ludlums, The power of thinking without thinking, Gone with the wind.
Was obliged to read : The Present... Err uncle it was actually quite nice.
I would like to gift: Harry potters.. Don't invite me unless you like them.
I would like to be gifted :D : Dilbert in the Future. I've been meaning to get it home delivered but just hasn't happened...