Blogs without titles are IN
Are you addicted to being online? Even if there's nothing to do you just have to login ?You stay online for hours together fooling around when you very well know tht you are , well, just fooling around? Worry no more. I've started this column where I attempt to help people find the meaning of life.. once again and along with that comes a reassurance that there are things to do other than being on the net...
Here are a few thing's I've personally decided to do. Now, they might seem pretty obvious at first but give them a second look. . and .. you would've already read my post twice.
I'm not going to login to vpn unless I really intent to work.
I'm going to try not to work on weekends which I anyway quit months ago, but when you make promises of this sort something just has to creep that'll make you have to log in.
If I intent to speak to anyone, I would rather call them or if my fingers complain about lack of exercise , I'll sms. I think I'd prefer sms - its a therapy. Picking up the phone and calling will be covered in later stages of rehab.
If people want to contact me, they would have to do so via phone or sms. Maybe I'll check gmail or yahoo once a day. I will have to club myself not to login every fifteen minutes but thats part of self-control.
There will be withdrawl symptoms like feeling dizzy, getting uncontrollably agitated, etc. At those times, lock yourself in a room. Sans your laptop obviously !
Blogging multiple times a day is also helpful. Tho please use Save as Draft to avoid inflicting pain to others.
Start finding enough motivation to work properly for 8 hours on weekdays.. Now thats a tough one.
Come back home and avoid climbling upstairs until your eyelids are heavy and things ppl say are getting more and more distant. Leave your laptop safely in the bag downstairs. Otherwise it might creep up to you while your asleep.
Note that if you feel an irrestible urge to blog after getting home. Just type it out offline and post it the next day from work. Feel free to misuse the resources at work.. Like I'm doing right now.
All this said, I must get off blogspot, .... *sigh* do I really have to ?

Holy Cow
This pic , taken by a friend of mine, is one of the most heart rendering ones I've seen.
A few days back 41 calves were rescued by
CUPA from a truck that was on its way to the slaughter house. All the calves were less than 10 days old. 7 or 8 of them died while they were being transported, stuffed in the truck.
I don't think I want to classify those homosapiens as people. Demons is the right word for those who not only murder cows who give them milk right from the day they are born but also mercilessly kill their babies. Its gross how people can enjoy eating meat, be it beef or pork, or what ever name they give to an animal that once had a life, a rather unfortnate one. And for people who eat and think I'm not killing it, dont think you won't be going to hell along with the butchers.
On a happier note, two of the calves that were in critical condition have made it, thanks to the doctors, the volunteers, and Mrs Sudha who made a terrific effort! Its great that there still are people who carry their heart along with them instead of leaving it somewhere on a tree.
I always do this when I've got tons of work !
One of the very few things I get nostalgic about is my previous office building. My pool-side cube , water on bother sides, and the awesome view. My colleagues , the endless coffee sessions we used to have at the coffee,or boost, table as we used to call it and the endless nonsense the four of us used to talk and laugh about - two of who have left the company now. Just the scent of the place.. mmmm. The tech discussions at the pantry, the loo, the xerox machine, the printer... everything thing you can think of in a typical office place - pretty normal but yet so dear. We used to go out for lunch atleast 4 days a week which has now reduces to once in 4 months ok maybe exaggerrating there .. more like, once in 4 weeks, but thats bad enough.
Why this all of a sudden ? Coz we might have a slight oh ever so slight chance of having to move in back there. But it just wudnt be the same unless we get the same floor, same cubes, same people occupying the cubes.. thats a little hard tho, the same good old times when everyone
was happy or atleast looked happy, yeah I want a time travel machine to go back and freeze those few months...The few memorable weekends in office. Moving back will not bring those back but atleast I'll be 7 km closer to home.
Keeping my fingers crossed.